Selasa, 20 April 2010

Tugas 4

tugas 4 digital

1. Hukum Aljabar Bolean












2. Soal

1. Give the relationship that represents the dual of the Boolean property A + 1 = 1?
(Note: * = AND, + = OR and ' = NOT)

1. A * 1 = 1

2. A * 0 = 0

3. A + 0 = 0

4. A * A = A

5. A * 1 = 1

2. Give the best definition of a literal?

1. A Boolean variable

2. The complement of a Boolean variable

3. 1 or 2

4. A Boolean variable interpreted literally

5. The actual understanding of a Boolean variable

3. Simplify the Boolean expression (A+B+C)(D+E)' + (A+B+C)(D+E) and choose the best answer.

1. A + B + C

2. D + E

3. A'B'C'

4. D'E'

5. None of the above

4. Which of the following relationships represents the dual of the Boolean property x + x'y = x + y?

1. x'(x + y') = x'y'

2. x(x'y) = xy

3. x*x' + y = xy

4. x'(xy') = x'y'

5. x(x' + y) = xy

5. Given the function F(X,Y,Z) = XZ + Z(X'+ XY), the equivalent most simplified Boolean representation for F is:

1. Z + YZ

2. Z + XYZ

3. XZ

4. X + YZ

5. None of the above

6. Which of the following Boolean functions is algebraically complete?

1. F = xy

2. F = x + y

3. F = x'

4. F = xy + yz

5. F = x + y'

7. Simplification of the Boolean expression (A + B)'(C + D + E)' + (A + B)' yields which of the following results?

1. A + B

2. A'B'

3. C + D + E

4. C'D'E'

5. A'B'C'D'E'

8. Given that F = A'B'+ C'+ D'+ E', which of the following represent the only correct expression for F'?

1. F'= A+B+C+D+E

2. F'= ABCDE

3. F'= AB(C+D+E)

4. F'= AB+C'+D'+E'

5. F'= (A+B)CDE

9. An equivalent representation for the Boolean expression A' + 1 is

1. A

2. A'

3. 1

4. 0

10. Simplification of the Boolean expression AB + ABC + ABCD + ABCDE + ABCDEF yields which of the following results?


2. AB

3. AB + CD + EF

4. A + B + C + D + E + F

5. A + B(C+D(E+F))

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